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10 Courses in Coursera vs. Daily habit: Why Your Learning Success Isn't About Buying More

Fri, 18 Oct 2024

10 Courses in Coursera vs. Daily habit: Why Your Learning Success Isn't About Buying More

Have you ever felt the excitement of signing up for multiple online courses, only to find yourself overwhelmed and unable to complete them? It's like joining a gym with the best intentions, but never actually showing up to work out. The truth is, real progress in learning—like fitness—isn't about accumulating resources; it's about consistently putting in the work.

The Gym Analogy

Think about gym memberships. Most gyms make more money from people who don't use them regularly. These are the individuals who sign up with enthusiasm but then let their memberships gather dust. The same goes for online courses. It's easy to buy into the promise of transformation, but far harder to put in the daily effort required to actually learn and apply the material.

The Habit Loop of Learning

Just like exercise, learning is a habit that needs to be cultivated. Understanding the habit loop can help us see where we often go wrong:

  1. Cue: This is the trigger that starts the habit. It could be a notification from your learning platform, a specific time of day, or even seeing a book on your desk.
  2. Craving: This is the desire or motivation to engage in the habit. It could be the curiosity about a new topic, the desire to improve your skills, or the anticipation of feeling smarter.
  3. Response: This is the action you take—watching a lecture, reading a few pages, practicing a skill.
  4. Reward: This is the positive feeling or outcome you get from the habit. It might be a sense of accomplishment, a new insight, or the enjoyment of learning itself.

The 10-Course Trap

Many of us fall into the trap of thinking that more resources will lead to more learning. We buy multiple courses, believing that having access to all this information will magically make us experts. But without the habit of consistent practice, those courses become nothing more than digital clutter.

Why Building a Learning Habit Matters

Focusing on building a learning habit, even for just a few minutes each day, can yield significant results:

  • Improved Retention: Regularly revisiting information helps solidify it in your memory, making it easier to recall and apply.
  • Increased Motivation: Small wins create a sense of accomplishment, fueling your desire to continue learning.
  • Enhanced Focus: Consistent practice trains your brain to focus for longer periods, improving your overall concentration.
  • Reduced Overwhelm: Breaking down learning into manageable chunks makes it less intimidating and more enjoyable.

Ihabital: Your Learning Habit Coach

Ihabital understands that building a learning habit is crucial for achieving your goals. Our platform is designed to guide you through the process, making it easy to:

  • Set Realistic Goals: We help you set achievable daily or weekly learning targets, so you don't get overwhelmed.
  • Track Your Progress: Our habit tracker allows you to monitor your consistency and celebrate your milestones.
  • Get Reminders: We provide gentle reminders to keep you on track and make learning a part of your daily routine.
  • Connect with a Community: Join our community of learners for support, motivation, and inspiration.


Don't fall into the trap of buying multiple courses without establishing a learning habit. Remember, it's not about how many resources you have, but how consistently you use them. Ihabital is here to help you build that habit and achieve your learning goals, one small step at a time. Start today and unlock the power of daily practice!


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