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From 2 Pages to a Bookworm: How I Built a Daily Reading Habit

Fri, 18 Oct 2024

From 2 Pages to a Bookworm: How I Built a Daily Reading Habit

Have you ever wished you could become a more avid reader? Perhaps you've started books with good intentions, only to find them gathering dust on your shelf. I know the feeling. For years, I struggled to establish a consistent reading habit. But everything changed when I discovered the power of starting small.

The Humble Beginnings: 2 Pages in Singapore

My reading transformation began during a trip to Singapore. I stumbled upon Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking, Fast and Slow" at a bookstore and felt intrigued. However, the book's dense content intimidated me. Instead of committing to reading the entire book, I challenged myself to read just two pages every day.

Those two pages didn't seem like much, but they were manageable. I could squeeze them in during my commute, while waiting for a friend, or before bed. Surprisingly, I found myself enjoying the content. Kahneman's insights were thought-provoking, and those two pages often left me wanting more.

The Momentum Builds

Soon, I was reading more than two pages. Some days, I'd devour entire chapters, completely immersed in Kahneman's world of cognitive psychology. Other days, I'd stick to my two-page minimum, but the habit was firmly established.

The key was consistency. By showing up every day, even for just a few minutes, I was building a reading habit that would eventually transform my relationship with books.

The Power of Starting Small

The two-page rule was a game-changer for me. It removed the pressure and intimidation that often accompanies the idea of reading a book. By setting a small, achievable goal, I made reading feel easy and enjoyable.

Here's why starting small works:

  • Reduced Resistance: A small commitment is less daunting than a large one. It's easier to say yes to two pages than to an entire chapter.
  • Habit Formation: Consistency is key to building any habit. By reading daily, even for a short time, you're reinforcing the behavior and making it more automatic.
  • Increased Enjoyment: When you don't feel pressured, you're more likely to enjoy the experience. This positive association makes it more likely you'll want to continue reading.
  • The Snowball Effect: Once you get started, it's often easier to keep going. Those two pages can easily turn into ten, twenty, or even a whole book.

My Reading Habit Today

Fast forward a few years, and reading is now an integral part of my daily routine. I typically spend 30 minutes to an hour reading each day, and I've tackled a wide variety of genres – from fiction to non-fiction, self-help to biographies.

Reading has enriched my life in countless ways. It's expanded my knowledge, improved my vocabulary, enhanced my critical thinking skills, and provided endless entertainment and inspiration.

Tips for Building Your Own Reading Habit

  • Start Small: Set a manageable goal, like reading two pages a day.
  • Choose Wisely: Select books that genuinely interest you.
  • Schedule It In: Make reading a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.
  • Find Your Ideal Time: Some people prefer to read first thing in the morning, while others find evenings more conducive.
  • Create a Cozy Reading Nook: Make your reading environment comfortable and inviting.
  • Track Your Progress: Use a reading log or app to keep track of your books and reading time.
  • Join a Book Club: Discuss books with others to deepen your understanding and stay motivated.


If you've ever struggled to establish a reading habit, remember the power of starting small. Two pages a day might not seem like much, but it can be the catalyst for a lifelong love of reading. Trust the process, be patient with yourself, and enjoy the journey.


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